Rodents – mice and rats

The most common rats found on Long Island are the Norway Rat and the Roof Rat. The Norway Rat is brown in color and larger than the Roof Rat. Burrows are usually found in outside areas. Many times we are called by someone who has tried to solve this problem themselves, only to find that rats have already chewed on wiring. This results into a bigger problem.

The first thing that must be done is to try and find out how they are entering the premises. Armor Pest Control with our modern methods will show you how this problem can be solved quickly.

Infestation of mice are very similar to rats but most of the time on a smaller scale.


Even the name makes your skin crawl. With today’s modern methods, Armor Pest Control can eliminate this unsightly problem easier than you think without toxic chemicals and smells.

The 3 most common species found in this area are, German, Brown Banded and American Roaches. They are attracted to warm and moist environments.

The common German cockroach is widespread and can be found in residential homes, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. Each female produces 4 to 8 capsules in their life time, each containing 40 eggs. So you can see that a bad infestation can produce very rapidly.

Certain preparations must be made for this type of treatment and can be explained when you call.


Everyone is concerned and worried about Lyme disease. The primary carrier of this disease is the Black-Legged Tick or Deer Tick. This tick is very tiny, almost a speck. If bitten by a tick, try to save it so it can be identified to determine if it is a Deer Tick or a Brown Dog Tick. This may save you an unnecessary visit to the doctor or vet.

There are several environmentally safe products that Armor Pest Control uses in treating the landscape and structures on your property. We have had excellent results with all of them.


Adult fleas are approximately 1/16 to 1/8 inch long and are usually reddish-brown in color. Most people realize they have this problem when they start getting bit around the ankles and legs or they find them on their pets.

Carpenter Ants

They are dull black in color and are approx. 6 to 13 mm long. Most people assume that Carpenter Ants eat wood, They Do Not!! Carpenter ants are protein and sugar eaters.


You will find Carpenter Ants nesting in outdoor areas of rotting tree cavities, wood piles, fence posts, etc. where they are attracted to moisture and decaying wood.

Once they have found their way inside a structure of a building, they immediately seek out moist or damp areas in wood beams, window frames, wall voids, flooring, etc. These moist and damp areas could be caused by a leaky roof, sweating pipes, bad caulking around windows, poor ventilation, etc.

Wood Damage

If let go long enough, Carpenter Ants can cause extreme damage by excavation smooth tunnels in the wood for their galleries.


Armor Pest control will detect the hidden nests and apply a sage Bating System method both inside and outside the structure. This must be professionally done.

Common Ant

One of our customers described ants in one word, Nuisance. Yes, they can be a nuisance and very persistent.

Ants form colonies in hidden places you wouldn’t believe.

There over 20,000 species of ants in the world. That’s why it’s very important to identify them properly in order to treat and eliminate them.

If possible, save a sample of the insect so our technician can identify what kind of ant we are dealing with.

As in many treatments of pest control today, we approach ant infestation with safe and effective Bait System measures both inside and outside the structure.

It is best if you do not use insect sprays, etc. as this tends to destroy the pheromone trails that ants leave behind so other ants may follow back to the colony. The undisturbed pheromone trails is one of the first things our technician will look at to help find the colony.

Let us get rid of this Nuisance for you.


Why are termites such a big problem on Long Island? One of the primary reasons in the soil composition is termites need moisture and needless to say, Long Islands soil is ideal.

Subterranean termite colonies originate in the soil and find their way into structures thru cracks and crevices of foundations, cement block, shelter tubes, wood to soil contact, etc.

Evidence of termites are mostly found in the spring of the year when the swarming takes place. After they have swarmed they will shed their wings in a massive collection on the floors, window sills and outdoor areas.

Armor Pest control uses a guaranteed Termite Baiting System that in our estimation, works Faster than any other. After all, everyone wants to get rid of termite problems as Fast as possible.

Termite Baiting Systems are good for you and the environment with no drilling and pumping of toxic chemicals into the soil, Best of all, It Works!!

Call Armor Pest Control for a Free inspection and we will show you why a termite treatment need not be expensive.

Payment plans with no interest.

Powder Post Beetle

Powder Post Beetle can do significant damage to the structure of your home and furniture. They make tiny holes in the wood and create tunnels as they feed, leaving a fine talcum like powder.

Homeowners will more than likely see damage and powdery frass before they see the beetles themselves. Many times this frass is mistaken for carpenter ants frass which is more course like saw dust.

Powder Post Beetle are approx. 1/8 inch in size and the adults will lay eggs which hatch and bore holes into the wood.

Armor Pest Control has had excellent success by treating with Bora-Care not only for eliminating powder post beetle but it is a wood preservative with no odor.

Call for a Free evaluation.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees are black and yellow and closely resemble the Bumble Bee.

You might see them hovering around the eaves or wooden deck of the house boring holes about the size of your finger. Sawdust is often present beneath these holes and many times you can hear them burrowing into the wood. If left unattended considerable damage will occur.


All infested surfaces must be treated on the outside of the building. This type of treatment must be done properly or they will relocate to another area. Ladders must be used to reach high areas.

Upon completion, Armor Pest Control will issue a full guarantee.

Bed Bugs

Getting rid of Bed Bugs is not an easy process. You must choose a pest control company that has the experience and know how to get rid of these blood sucking insects.

Armor Pest Control uses highly successful methods that are N.Y State D.E.C. approved for residential homes, commercial buildings, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. for over 43 years.

If you think you might have a Bed Bug problem, do not attempt to solve this serious problem yourself. Call us for a Free inspection to evaluate if in fact you do have a problem. At that time a technician will explain in detail if you need treatment or not.